Put your hand up if you've had those days when you just need to eat. at. home. OK we've all been there. But usually on those days we also don't really feel like cooking up a cordon bleu style meal for our loved ones. It's those days when we need the best food we can get, but in the comfort of our own homes. We simply want to put our feet up in front of a great sitcom, dim the lights, turn off the phone, and settle into something scrumptious.
There are also those days of great hunger. Hard work. You're stuck at the office, literally chained to the desk by the piercing eyes of your boss, waiting for you to present your proposal for the latest project. What you really need to do is fuel the fire with some delicious food.
Or those days when you have every intention of going out, but the car breaks down.
We've thought about this, and we want to help you out. So our new On The Go menu is right there to be your ultimate culinary wingman. Enjoy.